Quantity 100gr approx. 1.750 Seeds
Germination approx. 10-20 Days at 18ºC
100 gr seeds of Ocra, Gombo (Abelmoschus esculentus)
syn: Hibiscus suculentus
Okra Seeds (Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus suculentus)
The origin of this vegetable is probably the highlands of East Africa and it was grown there and on the banks of the Nile as early as 4000 years ago. This vegetable is particularly popular in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. In Europe, the okra fruit is often consumed too, especially in Greece.
In the garden: The young okras fruit (older ones often get hard) should be harvested regularly so that the plant can get new pods. The beautiful flowers make it easy to see that the okra belongs to the family of the Mallows.
Use in the kitchen: A special feature of the okra is that it secretes a slimy liquid during cooking, which has a thickening effect with sauces and stews.
If this thickening effect is not desired, you can blanch the ocraschotes briefly in vinegar and water or put them in lemon and water about an hour before preparation.